Cracked movie fan theories sense

There are some pretty outthere theories that kinda fix some famous movies. The more you look into it, the more it makes sense. Those theories are wrong approximately 100 percent of the time, but sometimes the fan theory is far more coherent and satisfying than what the writers actually came up with. There s something completely psychotic and beautiful about the sort of people who come up with the theories of movie. Seemingly loved by a lot of fans, and hated by a lot of critics upon release, the movie is full of fun, but severely lacking in a lot of ways. Those theories are wrong approximately 100 percent of the time, but sometimes the fan theory is far more coherent and satisfying than what the. Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day, which means that the craziest fan theories about movies can. For more theories that are actually kind of great, check out 5 fan theories that make classic movies even better and 6 insane but convincing fan theories about kids cartoons.

Here are screen rant s 10 movie theories that completely change. They dont follow the same narrative as this movie, but theres the thing neither do the previous movies. One fan theory gives us the overwhelming evidence that this is, in fact, a film about demons, not aliens. The film centers around a priest who is having a sort of crisis of faith, and because of this the demons appear to him as tests of faith, just as they appear to an army officer as invading military and to the police officer as troublemakers, the demons reflect each specific persons fears. Subscribe to our youtube channel, and check out 8 great movies made even better by fan theories, and other videos you wont see on the site. At their best, fan theories are a really fun way to look at a movie that you. Not every fan theory is as inspired or clever as the best of them, but every so often, they make watching a classic movie twice as much fun and can even make the original writers look bad. Follow us on facebook, and well follow you everywhere. Animal crossing begins with your character being forced to live in a village by a bizarre duckturtle creature named kappn, who is based on a kappa, a mythological japanese creature that kidnaps children. Movie theories like this can turn plots of movies like disneys peter. That one is pretty crazybut it makes sense when you think about it. Support your favorite cracked writers with a visit to our contribution page. The pixar theory is the idea that every pixar movie exists in one.

Neville is the chosen one, and dumby let harry get all the. Fan theories can be wonderful and strange, but sometimes a fan will come up with an idea thats even better than the official story. This is why a certain reddit fan theory makes a lot sense. Take a look at these 25 mind blowing movie fan theories. Here are the 18 disney fan theories that make too much sense. Top 10 movie lists, movie clips, 80s tv shows, funny parodies of your favorite hollywood stars, and that s just a taste. Civil war, many comic book fans are eagerly anticipating the next batch of marvel films. If a disturbingly convincing theory by reddit user lolalodge is to be believed. In the 1971 movie, the only one ever made, willy wonka owns a chocolate factory. Sons of anarchy is over, but its story lives on among fans whove thought up some compelling theories.

That, my friend, is the basis of many movie theories. This didnt stop the fans from coming up with their own answers to the more puzzling aspects of narutos story. A popular fan theory explains why the characters appearance and age have changed over the last 52 years. This makes sense, and allows several actors to play the james bond. Every once in a while, we come across a mindblowing fan theory that makes a disturbing amount of sense, casting a movie weve all seen a. Its easy to mindlessly enjoy the latest bigbudget explosionfest, but that doesnt work as well with films that require real brain. Here are just some of the fan theories that actually make a. Movies that only make sense if you follow the fan theories. The rest of tarantinos films follow on from this alternate version of history. Youll learn about the 700year murdering spree walle must have gone on. Get ready to have your reality rattled to its core.

Some movies ask a little bit more of the audience than others. Horrifying fan theories that make way too much sense. We are here today to look at the craziest fan theories that the naruto fanbase has come up with in order to make sense of the series. Toy story is an entire film franchise devoted to making us feel retroactively guilty about the toys weve lostgiven awaymelted with blowtorches. The twist in this movie is so insane without this theory, but hopefully. Here are some of the more believable ones you might have heard, plus some that only make sense under the right circumstances. Hungry for more fan theories that make a crazy amount of sense. There were a few cracked threads posted at the beginning of the week, but i didnt see any about this awesome article, so heres a thread for it and your reactions thereto. Potts and sibling to scores of unnamed other teacups, but thats a headscratcher for another time. In the santa clause 2, we learn that santa is forced to take a wife, who then also becomes immortal. The series ended and the fans were left with a lot of unanswered questions. There are many plot holes in the dc villains origin story, but fans. This whole theory makes too much damn sense when it comes to. An internet plethora of fan theories about popular films inevitably produces a few gems.

George lazenbys bond had his wife murdered in the last film he appeared in, so fans could. There is a thriving culture of fan theories that flood the internet in anticipation of every show, movie or book. When adam isnt improving movies, he writes about realworld fan theories i. Thanks to the popularity of films such as avengers and captain america. Also check out 5 horrifying fan theories that make way too much sense and 5 mindbending fan theories about famous tv shows. Harry potter fans have spent countless hours mulling over the books and film franchise and have devised some pretty spellbinding theories about the world of witchcraft and wizardry, some of which.

While some theories are completely insane, and offend us to our core, theres also plenty of fan theories that have us thinking, what if. Write your own movie that fans will constantly overanalyze with a beginners guide to celtx. Nonsense to sense does not work like lemons to lemonade. There are a lot of fan theories out there that either toe the line between this is plausible and this is fan fiction. Connect to your existing cracked account if you have one or create a new cracked username.

We know they lack any real substance, but we cant stop consuming them because theyre fun to eat. However, every once in a while we come across some that are just too compelling to ignore, even if reading them guarantees that we wont sleep for the next month. Weve got more fan theories to send your way these ones are all about classic movies. And right when we thought wed tackled every creepy implication of that wacky universe, one fan found perhaps the creepiest. Any mentally unbalanced individual can come up with a creepy fan theory about your favorite cartoon thats why theyre called fan theories. For more, check out 6 mindblowingly wtf fan theories that actually make sense and 5 horrifying fan theories that make way too much sense. Neo is actually a machine, with the real world of zion turning out to be just another level of humancreated simulation.

Sometimes, though, you come across a fan theory that is so well thought out, and fits so perfectly into the narrative, that you can almost convince yourself its true. But, this fan theory will contain spoilers, so turn back now if ou havent seen the movie. According to games radars brett elston, animal crossing is all about a child being abducted and indoctrinated into a cult. They just make too much damn sense and not just because they dont feature sex with hobbits. I remember when the obiwan is a clone theory started to crop up preepisode ii, in fact i. Fan theories are supposed to be lighthearted reinterpretations of stories we all know and love, sometimes the theory makes it impossible to ever go back and look at the original the same way. When it comes to movies, however, it almost makes it seem like the story is never truly over when the credits roll that, in some way, the move has an extra. Fight club feels like a different film when you see the characters as grownup. During the climactic chase scene, marty is about to disappear beneath the tires of biffs muscle car but is saved at the last minute by doc brown, who lowers a rope made of construction flags down from the flying delorean to carry marty to safety. See more ideas about movies, movie tv and fan theories.

Chip, the little cracked teacup, is the youngest cursed member of the beasts household and the apparent son of mrs. Top 15 creepiest movie theories that make sense youtube. The following fan theories may not exactly be canon, but they do explain away some of the biggest conundrums in modern cinema. Luckily for us, the internet is a perpetual motion machine that endlessly churns out insane reinterpretations of our favorite movies and tv shows, some of which are way more convincing than they have any right to be. Theorists can come up with crazy ideas and not just in the movie business. Some fan theories are like the cherry on top of the sundae, only you got this cherry from a random stranger you met on the internet. As weve mentioned before, the santa clause franchise is basically a jenga game of insane narrative choices. First of all, this theory actually fixes a plot hole in the movie. The new star wars trilogy has seen more fan theories than ever before relating to the worlds biggest pop culture phenomenon, and some of them made a lot more sense than what is in the rise of skywalker.

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